Limit of transformation and Islamism in the Middle East politics ...

[Religious supremacy] the beyond - A Discussion of the Middle East ...

Limit of transformation and Islamism in the Middle East politics ... The [Arab heart]? - The concept of [Arab heart] that is used in the title, please tell me. Originally in the 1980s from the 1980s, it is what policy makers who listed the Arab nationalism, was proclaimed in order to assert themselves that it is the center of the Arab world. In terms of country, Egypt and Iraq, such as Syria is around to this. In the position, such as certain [royal road] in West Asia North Africa region, where it comes out always in class, it is kind of place [Arab heart]. Although this book is not is referred to this refers to the Egypt and the East the Arab region, in fact these countries, to be historically has played a major role, ideological even in the near-contemporary, political, economic It is the place to was the center of [has]. But as is well known, [Arab Spring] or later, is the most confusion is followed is also in the region. - Will concepts that are now also used. Arab nationalism itself that has been using this concept, I went become subsided the late 1980s to the peak.

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