Limit of transformation and Islamism in the Middle East politics ...

Middle East, religious minorities of Passion () | National Geographic ...

Limit of transformation and Islamism in the Middle East politics ... Month this year, the scene as if he saw the Bible of the world filled the television screen. Escape the Islamic countries of the attack, is a figure of Yajidi Muslims us tens of thousands that were chased into the mountains of the barren wilderness Shinjaru that spread to northern Iraq. Ancient religion Yajidi religion is a minority of Kurds, it has been regarded as devil worship from Islamic countries. Yajidi religion is one of a number of religious minorities that have been kept alive during thousands of years in the Middle East. Besides, Coptic Christian, Samaritan religion, there is a religion, such as Zoroastrianism. However, with increasing radicalization and other political oppression of Islam, these religions are having anxiety in the future invisible earlier. Mr. Gerard Russell with experience who served as the United Kingdom and the United Nations diplomat (Gerard Russell) is around traveled to remote areas of the Middle East that are alive now even these religious minorities for several years, "Heirs to Forgotten the experience It is summarized in the book called kingdoms (Kingdom of heirs who were forgotten) ".

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