Limit of transformation and Islamism in the Middle East politics ...

Now divide the Middle East, the fight of the pair IS [winners] and ...

Limit of transformation and Islamism in the Middle East politics ... Comeback aim [losers] Saudi, Israel The past few years, there is a growing Iranian threat. It is, Iran is not because they wanted to stretch out whether influence want to increase the threat, extremist organization [Islamic State] (IS) and the results that have been fighting, forces of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran to Syria and Yemen Extended. And, is that support for it is strong, that. If became so hear a threat, it's a result of the catch-up of the won in the fight against the IS [winners] in which Iran and Syria, against the Kurdish, was including the Saudi [win did not set] I believe that. Saudi Arabia fell into predicament at intervention in the Syrian civil war and the Yemen civil war. Israel, I notice if, immediately Revolutionary Guards Corps of [Iran] in front of me had appeared. As a result, the United States and Saudi Arabia, Israel is teamed, we are taking action to reduce against Iran serving as a [winners], its forces. Come to take on Israel and Saudi Arabia, the US Obama administration thinks that it was difficult to do so.

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